Surviving exam stress

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Everyone has a life and responsibilities outside work: they may have children or other caring responsibilities, or simply want time to pursue other interests. In 2000, the Government launched a campaign to improve the work-life balance for employees in the UK. Employers are encouraged to introduce flexible working practices which enable their employees to achieve a better balance between work and the rest of their lives.

However, while the emphasis from the Government is on a work-life balance, many employees are also studying while working full or part-time, which adds an extra element to the work-life balance equation. This can make it very difficult for those studying to allow themselves enough time to ‘have a life’ outside of their work and studies, particularly when revising for exams.

People approach revision in various ways: some will thrive on the stress and adrenaline rush while others will struggle to open a book and get started. The tips should help people focus their mind and help them achieve the desired results.

Planning is the key to successful revision. Examination dates are published well in advance and you should use this knowledge to plan your structured revision programme.   Don’t leave it to the week before.  Research past papers and examiner feedback, learn from the successes of others and avoid obvious candidate pitfalls.

As part of your revision plan, ensure that you make time for your revision. This is essential in achieving a work-life balance at this time. Often demands from family, friends and work colleagues can seem unreasonable. Put time aside at home when the house is quiet to revise – this can be in the morning or at night depending on when you are most awake.

To make your revision effective, ensure that you organise your revision plan. Avoid doing the same thing all the time – adopt different techniques to keep your interest in the task at hand.

Six Simple Revision Techniques

  1. Condense. Fitting notes onto one side of paper makes the volume easier to stomach, so rewrite and cut down as you go.
  2. Highlight. Target key areas using colours and symbols. Visuals help you remember the facts.
  3. Record. Try putting important points, quotes and formulae on tape. If you hear them and read them, they’re more likely to sink in.
  4. Talk. Read your notes out loud, it’s one way of getting them to register.
  5. Test. See what you can remember without notes, but avoid testing yourself on subjects you know already.  If you have a very patient friend or partner it may help to ask them to test you.
  6. Time. Do past exam papers against the clock; it’s an excellent way of getting up to speed, particularly with exam boards putting added pressure onto you by requiring you to address a wide range of subjects in a very short period of time.

By taking regular breaks and eating properly, you will maintain a healthier mind and body, which will give you a greater chance of successful revision. A breath of fresh air or some other exercise will loosen up your mind as well as your body.

Eating a variety of healthy foods doesn’t just give your body a boost; it also benefits your brain cells. Skipping meals may well give you extra cramming time, but it can also leave you hungry and unable to concentrate, so, eat regularly and sensibly. Think wholemeal bread sandwiches and fruit, rather than cakes and biscuits!

Finally you should adopt a positive approach to taking exams. It is much easier to memorise and recall information if you have a relaxed open mind. A few tips when taking exams are given below.

“Read, Plan, Write, Avoid